One Christmas, so many years ago, I received a beautiful set of books in a compact, leather bound sleeve with gold lettering. They were from my father. After I opened them I remember smiling and saying, "Dad, thanks, they're so beautiful." I don't remember if I said anything else before setting the books down and proceeding on to open my next gift or not. At the time I was busy; working full-time in our family business, married and raising two children. What I do remember, though, is what I thought; "I'll never have time to read these books but, oh well, they'll look nice on our bookshelves." Sure enough, they did look nice and for many years that followed.
I can honestly tell you, there was no thought process and no known reason why, one random night, after putting the kids to bed, I walked over to the bookshelves and reached out for the set of books my father had given me so long ago. There was nothing unusual, earth shattering or alarming going on in my life at the time and to this day, 15 years later, it remains a mystery. After I blew off the 3 inches of dust that had accumulated on top of the cover, I took the books over to my dining room table and proceeded to read. The set, "How you Can Arrive, Survive and Thrive through Possibility Thinking," written by Dr. Robert Schuller, has forever changed my life!!!
It became a ritual. Every night after the kids went to bed, I sat at my dining room table and read...every inspirational, motivational and self-help book I could get my hands on. The excitement from the almost immediate and positive transformation that took hold in my life made it difficult to fall asleep at night, at the same time, I was anxious to begin the next day. I looked forward to acting upon what I had learned and experiencing the instant reward. What "reward," you ask? Simple...the reward of having a great day, everyday...the reward of knowing what ever I put out, I got back, every time, everyday. It was almost foolproof. When I exhibited love, enthusiasm and compassion I was almost guaranteed to receive the same in return.
Through my "studying" I learned something new that enhanced my life each day. It was fun, exciting and I began to welcome new challenges. Then, after awhile, it dawned on me, why, I wondered, wasn't this critical and so badly needed "subject," of emotional well-being taught or at least presented in our schools? Couldn't our young children stand to learn about self-worth, self-respect and ever-lasting happiness? Yes, of course, I thought, but a problem existed, who knew enough or anything about this subject and would be qualified to teach it??? Now, I "get it." There is a reason why there are large sections in book stores labeled "Self-Help" because until our government and our educators realize the importance of such subjects being taught in our schools, we, or at least the seekers of a better life, will have to "help ourselves."
I will often refer to excerpts from many doctors, philosophers and other experts, from all over the world who have, so graciously, shared their wisdom and information from their research. I will also go back over all my highlighted areas and dog-eared pages in many of the books that have had the greatest impact on my life. There is no doubt in my mind that if you go on this journey with me; take the time to read these "articles," for the next few weeks, maybe even months, they, too will be the "greatest gift of all."
Stay tuned,
The Midnight Motivator
Friday, February 5, 2010
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And all these years I thought your positive attitude came from juicing...looking forward to more inspiration from your blog.