Friday, March 28, 2014

Make Today Count!

Thought For the Day: Move outside the lines of accepted convention. If you don't break some of the rules you'll miss opportunities for creative thinking. Forget about how practical or realistic your ideas are, and most importantly, don't give a single thought to what other people might think! As Laurence Boldt stated, "Follow your own heart, make up your own rules, and dare to dream the impossible."

Friday, March 14, 2014

Joanne's New Website

I invite all of you to browse through my new website, There is a lot to be gained just by reading through it. Whether you think you've "heard it all before," or you're reading material like this for the first time, you can never get too much of a really good thing.

After one of my clients reviewed my website she said, "Joanne, you've just about given away the store..." My response to her was, "Yes, it's a lot of good information, but the truth is, it barely touches the surface. There is much more to learn, and then gain, by practicing the scientifically proven methods of Positive Psychology.

If you know anyone that could stand some encouragement, needs some uplifting, or guidance to a new, more positive way of thinking and living, please feel free to share my website with them or have them contact me, personally.

As stated in my website, there are many speakers and life coaches, but with my knowledge, passion, and determination to help people.

And, one more thing – here's a little hint: If you want to see positive changes in your life, hang around people who inspire you... people that thrive on change, take risks, and who will sharpen your ideas!

I hope you enjoy my website! I would love to hear from you!


Joanne Veeck