Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Healthy Energy = Healthy Body

In my last article I discussed the importance of health being a critical part/step in the journey to lasting happiness and overall well-being. How happy can we really be if much our time and thoughts are consumed by our physical aches, pains and illnesses? The fact that the mind rules the body, "the most fundamental fact which we know about the body," (Frank Alexander, M.D.) we need to transform our thoughts that rule our minds.

In Deepak Chopra's book, "Reinventing the body, Resurrecting the Soul," it states that every cell in our body is made up of two invisible ingredients: awareness and energy. "Any change in mood is conveyed via "messenger molecules" (through the bloodstream) to every part of the body, altering the basic chemical activity of each cell." Negative and distorted patterns of energy are the main cause of aging, infirmity and disease. "The tiniest change in energy, no more than a few words, can lead to massive physical disruptions." Our bodies will literally suffer from the toxicity of negative thoughts we tell ourselves or from the disruptive words we tell others.

The biggest myth is that people can't change. Oh yes we can! The fact is our cells know what our brain is thinking and our mood levels. Once we become tuned in to the power of our thoughts and moods, our bodies have the capacity to correct themselves. As our energy changes so will our bodies. Much of life's everyday hardships are dominated by our inability to think and behave in a new way. "To break out of any habit, you need to reclaim your power to choose." (Deepak Chopra)

Have an impulse to grow and evolve today,

The Midnight Motivator

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